Donnerstag, 28. August 2014

Menschenrechtsbeauftragter Strässer zur Verurteilung von drei Menschenrechtsaktivisten in Vietnam

Menschenrechtsbeauftragter Strässer zur Verurteilung von drei Menschenrechtsaktivisten in Vietnam
Veröffentlicht: 28.08.14, 9:36 | Aktualisiert: 28.08.2014, 9:36

Zur Verurteilung von drei Menschenrechtsaktivisten in Vietnam zu mehrjährigen Haftstrafen erklärte der Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Menschenrechtspolitik und humanitäre Hilfe, Christoph Strässer, heute (27.08.2014):
Ich bin besorgt über die mehrjährigen Haftstrafen gegen drei Menschenrechtsaktivisten wegen ‘Störung der öffentlichen Ordnung’. Die drei Aktivisten sitzen nun faktisch wegen der kurzzeitigen Behinderung des Straßenverkehrs auf Jahre im Gefängnis.
Das ist vollkommen unverhältnismäßig und grotesk; es zeigt leider, dass die Menschenrechtslage in Vietnam sehr problematisch bleibt: Andersdenkende werden weiterhin unterdrückt, eingeschüchtert oder weggesperrt.
Ich fordere die vietnamesischen Behörden auf, die Haftstrafen auszusetzen und die drei Personen umgehend freizulassen. Vietnam ist Mitglied des UN-Menschenrechtsrats und hat zahlreiche UN-Menschenrechtskonventionen unterzeichnet. Daran muss es sich messen lassen.
Am 26.08.2014 wurden die Aktivisten Bui Thi Minh Hang, Nguyen Thi Thuy Quynh und Nguyen Van Minh zu drei  Jahren, zwei Jahren und zweieinhalb Jahren Freiheitsstrafe wegen „Störung der öffentlichen Ordnung“ verurteilt. Besucher wurden von dem – an sich öffentlichen – Strafprozess ebenso ausgeschlossen wie internationale Beobachter. Die EU und ihre Mitgliedstaaten gehen von mehreren Dutzend politischen Gefangenen in Vietnam aus – die meisten sind wegen Ausübung ihrer Meinungs- und Versammlungsfreiheit inhaftiert. Nichtregierungsorganisationen stellen Vietnam hinsichtlich der Beachtung der bürgerlichen und politischen Rechte ein schlechtes Zeugnis aus.

Mittwoch, 27. August 2014

Protest in Berlin am 16.08.2014

Vietnamese activists set to stand trial on ‘bogus’ charges

Three activists in Vietnam are to stand trial Tuesday on charges of “causing public disorder,” which rights groups say are politically motivated and part of the authoritarian state’s move to silence dissent.

Vietnamese activists set to stand trial on ‘bogus’ charges
Bui Thi Minh Hang participates in a protest on July 17, 2011 in Hanoi, Vietnam. © 2011 Dan Lam Bao

read the full story HERE.

Statement of the US Embassy in Vietnam

Vietnamese Government’s Decision to Convict Activists Bui Thi Minh Hang, Nguyen Thi Thuy Quynh, and Nguyen Van Minh

August 26, 2014

We are deeply concerned by the Vietnamese government’s conviction and sentencing of activists Ms. Bui Thi Minh Hang, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy Quynh, and Mr. Nguyen Van Minh to 3 years, 2 years and 2.5 years, respectively, in prison under Article 245, “public disorder.”  The use of public disorder laws by Vietnamese authorities to imprison government critics for peacefully expressing their political views is alarming.

This conviction appears to be inconsistent with the right to freedom of expression and Vietnam’s obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and commitments reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  We call on the government to release unconditionally these three individuals, as well as all other prisoners of conscience, and allow all Vietnamese to express their political views.

Freitag, 22. August 2014

Freedom for Minh Hang, Van Minh and Thuy Quynh

CSO: Civil Society's Organizations


21 Vietnam CSOs: Three accused Minh Hang, Van Minh and Thuy Quynh must be released immediately and unconditionally

VRNs (Aug 22th, 2014) - Saigon - Joint statement of Vietnam CSOs on the coming trial of Bui Minh Hang, Nguyen Thi Thuy Quynh and Nguyen Van Minh 

Pursuant to Document No. 69/2014 / HSST-QD, signed by the judge Bui Phuoc Loc on July 28, 2014, about "bringing into court under the charge of “disturbing public order " Paragraph 2, Article 245 of the Penal Code, the trial of Bui Minh Hang, Nguyen Thi Thuy Quynh and Nguyen Van Minh is scheduled to open on Aug 26, 2014 at 7:30 AM in the People's court of Dong Thap province. All 3 people have been detained since Feb 11, 2014 in Lap Vo District police station (Dong Thap province), then they were transferred to Dong Thap provincial detention center (An Binh commune, Cao Lanh city).

I/. We, the civil society organizations have the same view that:

1. The incident took place on a communal rural road of the bridge Nong Trai, My An Hung
Commune, Lap Vo district, Dong Thap province on Feb 11, 2014 when 21 friends of Nguyen Bac Truyen and his wife were on the way to visit them. Truyen and his wife had been attacked some days earlier. All 21 people were suddenly stopped, been asked ID papers, provoked and then attacked by hundred policemen in uniform and plainclothes and thugs. The attackers used sticks, clubs to hit them badly regardless woman or man while many others videoed.
After many people were beaten, injury and unconscious, these police officers (including Captain Huynh Van Thuan, deputy head of the security team, and Lieutenant Colonel Le Hoang Dung, deputy chief of the investigative office of Lap Vo district, who was heavy-handed with Minh Hang and later it was him to sign an order of prosecution) then put on their police shirts and seized all communication gadgets and banners of 21 people. They were detained for 12 hours without food in the dark, dirty room. 18 people got released later.

2. One of the three defendants, Bui Minh Hang is a prominent pro-democracy activist, who
is always present in anti-china protests and the unfair trials of patriotic dissidents. She also threw herself into the struggle of land petitioners and disseminated the booklets of Universal Declaration of Human Rights. She used to be detained for five months at Thanh Ha education camp.
Ms.Nguyen Thi Thuy Quynh joined anti-China protests in Saigon since 2010 and then engaged in human rights and democracy activities. Mr.Nguyen Van Minh is a fervent believer of the independent Hoa Hao Buddhists, he is a son-in-law and brother-in-law two prisoners of conscience Bui Van Trung and Bui Van Tham. When being arrested, all three took a hunger strike to protest.

Nguyen Thi Thuy Quynh refused to obey the investigators to accuse the ringleader Hang in return for getting release immediately. Bui Minh Hang had taken hunger strike four times, and her daughter first time was allowed to meet her in prison on Aug 18,2014.

3. On Feb 27, 2014 the TV program "For Homeland Security" of Dong Thap did report
about the arrest of Nguyen Bac Truyen and 21 people said. Everything was carefully recorded from the moment the incident occurred. For the purpose of giving fake evidence to describe those people who were arrested due to violating the law and Dong Thap police complied with the rule of law!?!

Video analysis reports, we see all of the allegations made against three people as "obstructing traffic," "against person on duty", and "disturbing public order "are unfounded. Although the video was staged and prepared in advance, the police could not
provide any evidence for the allegations stated. On the contrary, it is evidence to accuse of bully behavior, slander to citizens, cunning manner of police in Dong Thap.

4. On Mar 10, 2014 to find false evidence to hide the acts of "gratuitous violence" and
"unlawful detention," Lap Vo district police have summoned five persons among 21, To Van Manh, Phan Duc Phuoc, Nguyen Vu Tam, Ms. Bui Thi Diem Thuy and Ms. Do Thi Thuy Trang. All 5 people then publicly denounced (through RFA on Mar 11) that investigators had primed them about what to say and forced to testify, arbitrarily writing down on the minutes what witnesses did not talk about, and not writing what they did. During the interrogation, police always focused on the role of "ringleader” Bui Minh Hang in order to easily to put her in the law trap. Apparently these investigators want to prove the words of Captain Huynh Van Thuan: "That group beat police first, attacked police first. Police could not fight back so people on the roadside jumped out to beat for police"!?!

5. Yet, Lap Vo district police also sent a communiqué to the attorney Tran Thu Nam (Viet
Tin law office - Ha Noi) that Bui Minh Hang refused to hire him as a lawyer. After lawyer Nam submitted the indisputable evidence that Hang had signed the contract with his office (Hang’s children also wanted lawyer Nam to protect their mother’s rights and interests), Lap Vo district police had to allow lawyer Tran Thu Nam to be her third lawyer on Mar 12, 2014.

6. Furthermore, on the evening of Mar 22, 2014, after the Mass to pray for three defendants
at the Redemptorist church of Thai Ha, Hanoi, Hang’s daughter Quynh Anh was abducted by police, some bloggers’ houses were besieged to examine. Blogger Truong Van Dung was intercepted and severely beaten to hospitalize. The next morning, Mar 13, a small rally demanding release of three victims in Hanoi was brutally suppressed. Ms. Tran Thi Nga had been sexually assaulted and brutally beaten at the police station of Quang Trung ward, Dong Da district, Hanoi.
On July 28, 2014, the UN rapporteur on freedom of religion, Heiner Bielefeldt, could not meet victims and witnesses, including Quang Minh pagoda of Vo Van Thanh Liem, worship place of Bui van Trung and Nguyen Bac Truyen’s house. Recently, An Giang province police have sent invitation letters to Hoa Hao Buddhists in order to ban them to participate the coming trial of the trio.

7. Finally, in the investigative conclusion issued by Colonel Le Van Be Sau - the head of
the investigative department of Dong Thap province on July 2, 2014 there are slanders as said above, we can find the "incriminating evidence" against the three accused as cursing "police are robbers!", "police block road to rob!", "Down with Communists," etc.; or with slogans on placards confiscated:" Down with police, thugs who illegally detained people,"" Ask correcting the thug-like police to set an example for the people"," the people can not pay taxes to feed thug-like state " etc.
In comparing the incidents that happened and the status quo of the regime, those words are perfectly correct, never being a crime in the democratic, civilized countries.

The three defendants declined to sign the indictment and denied the accusation of the investigative conclusion. Five witnesses Vo Van Buu, Vo Van Bao, Bui Thi Diem Thuy,


Phan Duc Phuoc and Do Thi Thuy Trang are ready to testify to denounce Lap Vo police ambushed and attacked the innocent people.

II/. From the observations above, we, the CSOs co-signed below declare:

1. Three accused Bui Thi Minh Hang, Nguyen Van Minh and Nguyen Thi Thuy Quynh
must be released immediately and unconditionally because they are completely innocent. It is policemen, who ambushed, beat people, caused the roadside people gathered crowded, is a "disturbing public order" maker.

2. The dynamic of the treacherous scheming rulers aims at criminalizing the courageous
human rights activists. This proved that it is not an ordinary criminal case but created by political motives.

3. The unjustified beating and detention and then the illegal proceedings act not only as a
serious human rights abuses, but also labeled the regime falsity. It is the actual human rights situation in Vietnam, not as deceitful allegations of any official of the ruling Communists when they answered the question and the public criticism worldwide.

4. Vietnam compatriots and democracy movement at home and abroad lay heads together
and perseveringly struggle (with the help of democratic countries and international human rights bodies ) for the legal institutions in accordance with the standards of civilized humanity, a legislative system is no longer a tool in the hands of the ruling Communist dictatorship.

Vietnam, Aug 21, 2014
The CSOs co-signed:

Association to Protect Freedom of Religion: Catholic Priest Le Ngoc Thanh.
Bach Dang Giang Foundation: Pham Ba Hai (MBE).
Brotherhood for Democracy: Lawyer Nguyen Van Dai.
Cao Dai Church: Mr. Hua Phi, Mrs. Bach Phung
Civil Society Forum : Nguyen Quang A (Ph.D.)
Council of Religion Alliance: Catholic Priest Dinh Huu Thoai
Delegation of Vietnamese United Buddhists Church: Ven. Thich Khong Tanh.
Evangelical Protestant: Reverend Nguyen Hoang Hoa, Nguyen Manh Hung, Nguyen Trung Ton
Former Vietnamese Prisoners of Conscience: Dr. Nguyen Dan Que, Catholic Priest Phan Van Loi.
Friendship Association of Political and Religious Prisoners: Nguyen Bac Truyen, LLB.
Gourd and Squash Mutual Association: Mr. Nguyen Le Hung
Hoa Hao Buddhists, Purity: Mr. Le Quang Liem.
Independent Journalists Association of Vietnam: Pham Chi Dung (Ph.D.)
Network of Vietnamese Bloggers: Ms. Nguyen Hoang Vi
Nguyen Kim Dien Group: Catholic Priest Nguyen Huu Giai
Non-violent Movement for Democracy: Dr. Nguyen Dan Que.
Oppressed Petitioners Solidarity Movement: Ms. Tran Ngoc Anh
Peasants Petitioners Association: Mr. Nguyen Xuan Ngu.
Viet Labors: Ms. Do Thi Minh Hanh
Vietnam Path: Mr. Hoang Van Dung
Vietnamese Women for Human Rights: Ms.Huynh Thuc Vy, Mrs. Tran Thi Hai
Translation by Trang Thien Long.


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Tom Koenigs

HIntergrundinformation: MdB Tom Koenigs lud eine Gruppe von regierungskritischen Vietnamesen zu einem Gespräch im Bundestag am 15.08.2014 ein. 

Fragen sollten bzw. mussten vor dem Termin eingereicht werden. 


Samstag 02.08.2014

Von: Dr. Thanh Nguyen-Brem, Brautlachweg 9, 85077 Manching

An Herrn Tom Koenigs, MdB, Mitglied des Ausschusses für Menschenrechte und humanitär Fragen.

Beitrag bzw. Fragenkatalog zu Diskussion am 15.08.2014 im Bundestag.

Sehr geehrter Herr Koenigs,

zunächst möchte ich mich bei Ihnen bedanken für Ihre Bereitschaft, mit uns, den regimekritischen Exil-Vietnamesen in Deutschland ein Gespräch zu führen.

Da Sie Mitglied des Ausschusses für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Fragen sind und sogar Vorsitzender waren und wir aus einem Land kommen, in dem Menschenrechte mit Füßen getreten werden, kommen wir an diesem Thema nicht vorbei.

Was mich persönlich betrifft: ich bin – trotz meiner nordvietnamesischen Abstammung – ein Südvietnamese, mit Leidenschaft und Leidensfähigkeit und ich gehöre zu denen, die wissen, dass nur tote Fische mit dem Strom schwimmen. Das soll die Grundlage für diesen Brief sein. Ich stelle mich seit meinem ersten Tag in Deutschland gegen den Mainstream, dem damaligen Zeitgeist im Sinne der 68er-Generation. Noch heute werden die demokratischen Vietnamesen von den linken Propagandisten beleidigt und beschimpft, obwohl ihnen die Augen schon längst hätten aufgehen müssen.

Sie sind ein glühender Anhänger des >>Viet Cong<< (gewesen?) und haben diesem berüchtigten Killertrupp (im Internetjargon >>inglourious basterds<<) sogar Ihr Erbe vermacht. Die Beweise für dieses Verbrechen waren nicht nur die Ermordung der ca. 7000 Zivilisten in Hue 1968 (Sind diese Informationen Ihnen entgangen?). Bei dieser sog. >>Tet-Offensive<< fielen auch die deutschen Ärzte der Uniklinik Hue (Prof. Krainich, Dr. Altenköster Dr. Discher und Frau Krainich) dem Massenmord zum Opfer (Nichts gewusst?). Später, im April 1969 entführten die nordvietnamesischen Kriegstreiber die Malteserhelfer Marie-Luise Kerber, Hindrika Kortmann, Monika Schwinn, Georg Bartsch und Bernhard Diehl nach Nordvietnam (Sie haben auch nichts davon erfahren?). Nur Monika Schwinn und Bernhard Diehl überlebten die Tortur. Wussten Sie nicht, dass dieser Akt der Barbarei ein schwerwiegender Verstoß gegen §27- §38 der Genfer Konvention IV war? Waren Ihnen die endlosen Flüchtlingstrecks, besonders bei der Tet-Offensive 1968, der Frühjahrsoffensive 1972 und der Generaloffensive 1975 unbekannt? Sind Million Menschenleben Ihnen weniger wert als Ihre Ideologie, ihr blinder Gehorsam gegenüber den Aggressoren aus Nordvietnam?

Mit Ihrer Haltung Sie  tragen  die politische und moralische Verantwortung für den Untergang Südvietnams und für das damit verbundene Verbrechen des kommunistischen Regimes in Hanoi und trugen dazu bei, dass zwei Millionen Vietnamesen unter waghalsigsten Umständen die Heimat verließen. Der Begriff >>Boat People<< ist Ihnen bestimmt bekannt. Jeder zweite Flüchtling verdurstete, verhungerte auf dem Weg ans Ufer der Freiheit oder fiel den Piraten zum Opfer. Viele Frauen wurden vergewaltigt, entführt und an die europäischen Bordelle verkauft. Diese dramatischen Bilder der Flüchtlinge erschütterten die Welt und führten u. a. dazu, dass die Rettungsaktion >>Cap Anamur<< gegründet wurde, mit Erfolg denn die >>Cap Anamur<< rettete mehr als 11.000 (elf Tausend) Flüchtlinge vor dem sicheren Tod. Da diese humanitäre Tat  zugleich eine Anklage gegen kommunistischen Mörder in Hanoi bedeutete, schwiegen die meisten >>Ho-Ho-Ho Chi Minh-Schreier<< in Scham und Schande. Für mich war es der Abgrund des menschlichen Denkens, dass ausgerechnet in Deutschland, in dem Land, das sich von den Gräueltaten der Nazis nur langsam erholt, eine neue Kriegsbegeisterung ausbrach, als ob es die Jahre 1933-1945 gar nicht gegeben hätte. Die Plakate mit dem Bild eines >>Viet Cong<< mit der erhobenen Gewehr und die Parole „Sieg im Volkskrieg, Sieg der Volksarmee“ waren erbärmliches Zeugnis des blindwütigen Hasses. Es kam, was kommen musste: der Untergang Südvietnams, der von Ihnen als Sieg gefeiert wurde. In diesen schwersten Stunden und Tagen der freiheitsliebenden Südvietnamesen hörte ich von Ihnen und von ihren Gesinnungsgenossen kein Wort des Bedauerns oder der Entschuldigung. Ich kann mich nicht vom Gedanken befreien, dass Sie am linken Augen total blind sind bzw. waren, im Gegensatz zu Winfried Kretschmann oder Heinrich Böll. Auch die US-Sängerin Joan Baez hatte Größe bewiesen, als sie sich bei den >>Boat People<< entschuldigte und sich für die Freilassung der Insassen der berüchtigten >>Umerziehungslager<< einsetzte.

Kommen Sie mir bitte nicht mit der Ausrede, Sie hätten nichts gewusst! Ein Ausschnitt aus Wikipedia belegt, dass die Kommunisten in Vietnam Weltmeister in Lügen und Betrügen sind und das seit den 1960er-Jahren (Die komplette Seite als Anhang zu diesem Schreiben).

Thien was educated in private academies and was a supporter of Viet Minh revolutionaries in his early life. In 1960, however, he challenged the official account of World War II – that the Soviet Union had defeated the Imperial Army of Japan in Manchuria, ending the war – while teaching a high school history class. Thien told the class that the United States defeated Japan when they dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Kurzum: wenn man nur sieht, was man sehen will, nur hört, was man hören will und nur liest, was man lesen will, kommt man nie an die Wahrheit, sondern nur an die Propaganda. Oder „das Herz hört viel mehr als die Ohren, sieht viel mehr als die Augen und spricht viel mehr als der Mund (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).

Kurzum: wer sein Herz nicht öffnen kann, bleibt ein Sklave des Hasses.

Was Sie persönlich betrifft, sollen Sie angeblich noch vor  wenigen Jahren gesagt haben, es gebe in Vietnam keine Menschenrechtsverletzungen, als Sie Vorsitzender des Bundestagsausschusses für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Fragen waren.

Angeblich waren Sie zigmal bei den Siegesfeiern der vietnamesischen Botschaft und stießen mit Ihren Gesinnungsgenossen an, an deren Händen das Blut unschuldiger Zivilisten klebt.

Ich kann diese Infos nicht verifizieren, d. h. korrigieren Sie mich, wenn sie falsch oder unzutreffend sind! Ich will nicht mit unbelegbaren Informationen argumentieren.

Des Weiteren war ich verwundert, dass Sie wohl keine Anstalten gemacht haben, Frau Tran Thi Ngoc Minh, die Mutter der Gefangenen des Gewissens, Do Thi Minh Hanh, zu empfangen, als diese in einer Kampagne zur (inzwischen realisierten) Freilassung ihrer Tochter im April in Berlin war.

Frau Tran Thi Ngoc Minh wurde von Ihren Kollegen empfangen (u. a. Dr. Philipp Lengsfeld, der dem Ausschuss für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Fragen nur als Ersatzmitglied angehört, im Gegensatz zu Ihnen denn Sie sind ordentliches Mitglied). Ihre Kollegin Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler hatte die Patenschaft für Frau Do Thi Minh Hanh übernommen. Dr. Philipp Lengsfeld übernahm vor kurzem die Patenschaft für den Gefangenen Rechtsanwalt Le Quoc Quan übernommen. Erklären Sie mir bitte ihre Abwesenheit bei Besuch von Frau Tran Thi Ngoc Minh im deutschen Bundestag und Ihre Untätigkeit bei Hilfsaktionen für politische Gefangene in Vietnam!

Ich akzeptiere die Ausrede „mir war der Besuch nicht bekannt“ nicht.  Die Behandlung von Frau Minh Hanh gleicht der Barbarei mit dem menschlichen Gesicht (frei nach Raymond Aron).

Ich bitte Sie, mir bei dem Gespräch am 15.08.2014 diese Fragen zu beantworten.

Da ich beabsichtige, die Ergebnisse der Diskussion zu publizieren in meinem Blog und meinem Facebook, bitte ich Sie auch um schriftliche Aussage, die schriftliche Antwort zu diesem Schreiben.

Sonst würde ich nur das schreiben, was ich höre und es wäre Ihnen gegenüber sehr unfair. Ich werde nur Fakten publizieren. Die Meinungsbildung überlasse ich den Lesern, wie das Grundgesetz auch vorsieht.

Zum Schluss ein Zitat von Berthold Brecht (1898-1956): Wer die Wahrheit nicht weiß, der ist bloß ein Dummkopf. Aber wer sie weiß und sie eine Lüge nennt, der ist ein Verbrecher.



Mittwoch, 13. August 2014

Email an die Redaktion der Tagesschau

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

zunächst möchte ich mich bei Ihnen für den kurzen Bericht über die Feier zum 35.Jahrestag der >>Cap Anamur<< in Hamburg, Landungsbrücken, am 09.08.2014 bedanken. Wir sind sehr glücklich darüber, dass eine für uns historische Feier den Eingang zu Tagesschau fand.

Leider war Ihnen gegen Ende des Berichts ein kleiner Fehler unterlaufen: die 11.000 vietnamesischen Flüchtlinge, die >>Boat People<<, die von der ruhmreichen >>Cap Anamur<< vor dem sicheren Tod gerettet wurden, waren nicht vor dem Krieg geflohen. Der Krieg in Vietnam ging bereits am 30.04.1975 mit der gewaltsamen Eroberung Südvietnams durch Nordvietnam zu Ende. Nach Kriegsende setzte sich ein gewaltiger Flüchtlingsstrom in Bewegung, der Ende 1978 den Höhepunkt erreichte und fortwährend anhielt .

Auf Grund der dramatischen Lage der Flüchtlinge gründete Herr Dr. Neudeck eine Hilfsorganisation zwecks Rettung der Flüchtlinge. Die Organisation konnte ein Schiff (Cap Anamur) charten. Die  >>Cap Anamur<< stach im August 1979 auf See und rettete die Flüchtlinge. Das Komitee >>Notärzte Cap Namur<< wurde geboren.

Die >>Boat People<< sind also nicht vor dem Krieg sondern vor dem kommunistischen Regime geflohen. Das Volk wagte den Tod auf hoher See, um sich der Sklaverei zu entziehen. Der Krieg hatte sie nicht in die Flucht geschlagen sondern der Friede in Sklaverei.

Ich unterstelle niemandem böse Absicht. Dennoch bedeutet solche Aussage das Wasser in die Mühle der kommunistischen Propaganda des Regimes in Hanoi, das unaufhörlich die Flüchtlinge diffamiert und versucht, die Begriffe >>Cap Anamur<< und >>Boat People<< verschwinden zu lassen. Diese Propaganda findet heute noch viele Anhänger.

Ich wünsche Ihnen trotz dieses Fehlers weiterhin viel Erfolg.



Dienstag, 12. August 2014

Die Feier "35 Jahre Cap Anamur"

Am Sa. 09.08.2014, von 13:30 bis 16:00 Uhr, fand in Hamburg, an den Landungsbrücken eine Gedenkfeier zum 35.Jahrestag der ersten Fahrt der >>Cap Anamur<< statt.

In ihrer Erfolgsgeschichte rettete die >>Cap Anamur<< 11.300 vietnamesische Flüchtlinge (>>Boat People<<) vor dem sicheren Tod.

Korrektur: Die "Boat People" sind nicht vor dem Krieg (ging 1975 zu Ende), sondern vor dem barbarischen Regime geflohen (Cap Anamur arbeitete von 1979 bis 1987).

Links zu den Nchrichten über die Feier:

wird ergänzt, wenn neue Links bekannt sind

Letter to Sen. John Mc Cain/ List of 25 prisoners of consciences

August 8, 2014


Re:Negative Repercussions of a Lift of the Lethal Weapons Ban in Vietnam

To: Senator John McCain
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

Dear Senators John McCain and Sheldon Whitehouse,

first of all, we would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to you upon your visit to Vietnam. Since Vietnam and the US formally normalized diplomatic relations, your names have always been at the forefront of every effort to promote and strengthen cooperation between the two countries. It is with certainty that due to the close partnership with the US, Vietnam has been benefitting both economically and socially.  Therefore, we would like to express our gratitude for your dedication towards the advancement of the US – Vietnam relations.
It comes to our knowledge that in recent months there has been increased consideration among the US Congress towards easing and lifting the ban on the sale and transfer of lethal weapons to the Vietnam Government. While this new development would promise much-appreciated military cooperation between the two nations, which would contribute to the strengthening of Vietnam’s defense force amid growing aggressiveness in the South China Sea, we deem it necessary to put forward our concerns in terms of the risks related to the removal of the arms sales ban.
Although Vietnam has stepped up efforts on the international stage to demonstrate its celebration for human rights by joining the UN Convention against Torture and winning a seat on the UN Human Rights Council, its human rights record at home remains poor, if not deteriorating. In the last 12 months, the Vietnamese government has continued to employ vague national security laws, such as Article 79, 88 and 258 of its Penal Code, to arrest and imprison more bloggers, journalists, legal advocates, human rights and ethnic minority rights activists. Along with silencing dissident voices, there are increasing numbers of deaths resulting from police brutality, frequent crackdowns on non-state religious associations, and continued harassment and intimidation of human rights defenders. It is clear that Vietnam still maintains a big gap between its ceremonious pledges of human rights commitment in the international arena and its implementation at the national level.
Although there have been recent releases of some political prisoners, which we welcome and appreciate this demonstration of the government’s intention to improve on human rights, however, we must note that the ongoing improvement, if any, could be inconsistent as the government remains largely ambiguous and elusive in its plan to address perpetuating human rights issues. Thus, a backward step in human rights could be possible once the government achieves its political goals. In such a scenario, we believe it would be against the US Congress’s goodwill to have the lethal weapons turned against the Vietnamese citizens.
With regard to our aforementioned concerns, we would urge the US Congress, ahead of any possible arms sales, to request Vietnam to put forth a clear agenda of concrete and measurable actions in addressing urgent human rights issues. Those actions must include, first and foremost, repeal of vague national security laws, respect for human rights defenders and the immediate and unconditional release of all the Vietnamese prisoners of consciences, including these 25 people as listed in the attached document.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

We the undersigned:

1.     Civil Society Forum
2.     The United Workers-Farmers Organization of Vietnam
3.     The Association of Political & Religious Prisoners of Vietnam
4.     The Brotherhood for Democracy
5.      Bau Bi Tuong Than Association
6.      No-U FC of Hanoi
7.      No-U FC of Saigon
8.      A group of followers of Hoa Hao Buddhist Church West branch
9.      The Vietnam Path Movement
10.    Vietnamese Overseas Initiative for Conscience Empowerment (VOICE)


1. Bui Thi Minh Hang
·         DOB: 1964
·         Years Sentenced: Pending
·         Location: Lap Vo Detention Center, Dong Thap Prison       
·         Criminal Charge(s): Causing public disorder (§ 245 VCC)
·         Details: Bui Thi Minh Hang is an outspoken advocate on behalf of peasants whose lands were confiscated to make room for development projects. She was among a group of 21 people on mopeds that were attacked by Dong Thap police on 12 Feb 2014, about 140 km of Ho Chi Minh City. The group was on their way to visit Nguyen Bac Truyen, a lawyer and former political prisoner in Dong Thap.
·         Compelling Reason for Release: Health deteriorating due to hunger strike in May 2014 which lasted 2 weeks

2. Dinh Nguyen Kha           
·         DOB: 1988
·         Years Sentenced: 4 years imprisonment; 3 years house-arrest
·         Location: Xuyen Moc Prison, Ba Ria Vung Tau Province     
·         Criminal Charge(s): Spreading propaganda against the Socialist Republic of
          Vietnam (§88 VCC)
·         Details: Dinh Nguyen Kha was arrested in 2012 for handing out leaflets that “distort the Party and the State’s policies related to religion and land, and exhibit a twisted viewpoint regarding the Spratly and Paracel islands and the border land between Vietnam and China.” The state media accused him of “calling and agitating people to protest against the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.”

3. Do Nam Trung                                                    
·         DOB: 1981
·         Years Sentenced:  Pending
·         Location: Dong Nai Prison, Dong Nai Province
·         Criminal Charge(s): Causing public disorder (§ 245 VCC)
·         Details: Do Nam Trung is a member of the Brotherhood for Democracy. He has been accused of provoking a violent riot in a Dong Nai Province's industrial park in May 2014 along with Le Thi Phuong Anh and Pham Minh Vu.

4. Doan Huy Chuong                                  
·         DOB: 1985
·         Years Sentenced: 7 years imprisonment
·         Location: Xuan Loc Prison, Binh Duong Province (K2)
·         Criminal Charge(s): Disrupting security (§89 VCC).
·         Details: Doan Huy Chuong is a labor activist who organized a strike in a shoe factory in Tra Vinh Province and distributed anti- government leaflets. Arrested on 11 February 2010, tried on 26 June 2010 in Tra Vinh Province; sentence upheld at appellate trial in Tra Vinh Province on 18 March 2011. As President of the United Workers and Farmers Association (UWFA), Doan Huy Chuong was previously arrested in Nov. 2006 and later sentenced to 18 months imprisonment.
·         Compelling Reason for Release: Suffers from internal injuries as a result of being tortured in prison

5. Duong Thi Tron                                                   
·         DOB: 1947
·         Years Sentenced: 9 years imprisonment
·         Location: Xuan Loc Prison, Binh Duong Province (K5)
·         Criminal Charge(s): Causing public disorder (§245 VCC) and resisting officers performing their duties (§ 257 VCC)
·         Details: Hoa Hao Buddhist Church-Original Branch (HHBC-O) is independent to the state-controlled Hoa Hao Buddhist Commission and does not accept any interference by the Vietnamese authorities. Tron is an active member of HHBC-O (Dong Thap) and í the wife of its chairman, Nguyen Van Tho.
·         Compelling Reason for Release: She is suffering from low blood pressure and old age. She does not have access to medication.

6. Le Quoc Quan                                                                 
·         DOB: 1971
·         Years Sentenced: 2.5 years imprisonment
·         Location: An Diem Prison, Quang Nam Province
·         Criminal Charge(s): Tax evasion (§161 VCC)
·         Details: Le Quoc Quan is a human rights lawyer, democracy activist and prominent Catholic blogger. He was arrested by the Vietnamese government on charges of tax evasion on 27 December 2012, convicted on 2 October 2013, and sentenced to 30 months in prison and fined 100,000 USD. The arrest was condemned by international human rights organizations and the US government.
·         Compelling Reason for Release: Deteriorating health as a result of three hunger strikes

7. Le Thi Phuong Anh                                                         
·         DOB: 1984
·         Years Sentenced: Pending
·         Location: Dong Nai Prison, Dong Nai Province
·         Criminal Charge(s): Causing public disorder (§ 245 VCC)
·         Details: Le Thi Phuong Anh is a human rights and democracy activist. She has been accused of provoking a violent riot in a Dong Nai Province's industrial park in May 2014 along with Do Nam Trung and Pham Minh Vu      

8. Mai Thi Dung                  
·         DOB: 1969
·         Years Sentenced: 11 years imprisonment
·         Location: Thanh Xuan Prison, Hanoi
·         Criminal Charge(s): Causing public disorder (§245 VCC)   
·         Details: Mai Thi Dung is a religious worker of the Hoa Hao Buddhist Church - Original Branch. She was arrested and charged under Article 245 for resisting and defending a religious gathering that was being interrupted by the authorities.
·         Compelling Reason for Release: Suffers from internal injuries as a result of being tortured in prison and is currently undergoing medical complications due to kidney stones

9. Ngo Hao
·         DOB: 1943
·         Years Sentenced: 15 years imprisonment; 5 years house-arrest
·         Location: Xuan Phuoc Prison, Phu Yen Province
·         Criminal Charge(s): Conducting activities to overthrow the people's government (§79 VCC)
·         Details: Ngo Hao is a democracy activist. He was arrested for writing and spreading articles criticizing the government's policies.
·         Compelling Reason for Release: Suffering from old age; forced to work in prison and currently does not have strength to stand on his own.

10. Nguyen Hoang Quoc Hung                                                      
·         DOB: 1982
·         Years Sentenced: 9 years imprisonment
·         Location: Xuyen Moc Prison, Ba Ria Vung Tau Province
·         Criminal Charge(s): Disrupting security (§89 VCC).
·         Details: Nguyen Hoang Quoc Hung is a member of “Victims of Injustice”—a group that advocates on behalf of victims of land confiscation.         

11. Nguyen Huu Vinh (Ba Sam)     
·         DOB: 1956
·         Years Sentenced: Pending
·         Location: Hanoi
·         Criminal Charge(s): Abusing democratic freedoms (§258 VCC)
·         Details: Nguyen Huu Vinh – a liberal blogger – is well known for his regular posts which have opposing opinions. He is also known for delivering news about China’s hostile and provocative moves against Vietnam’s territorial sovereignty, a topic the government of Vietnam deemed sensitive to the relations between the two countries and therefore, often ignored.  

12. Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy 
·         DOB: 1980
·         Years Sentenced: Pending
·         Location: Hanoi
·         Criminal Charge(s): Abusing democratic freedoms (§258 VCC)
·         Details: Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy is an employee of Nguyen Huu Vinh's business. She was accused of helping Vinh “publish online articles with bad contents and misleading information to lower the prestige and create public distrust of government offices, social organizations and citizens”   

13. Nguyen Thi Thuy Quynh                                  
·         DOB: 1986
·         Years Sentenced: Pending
·         Location: Lap Vo Detention Center, Dong Thap Prison
·         Criminal Charge(s): Causing public disorder (§ 245 VCC)
·         Details: Nguyen Thi Thuy Quynh is a religious worker in the  Hoa Hao Buddhist Church - Original Branch. She was arrested along with Bui Thi Minh Hang on their way to visit Nguyen Bac Truyen.

14. Nguyen Van Hai (Dieu Cay)                                            .        
·         DOB: 1952
·         Years Sentenced: 12 years imprisonment; 5 years house-arrest
·         Location: Prison No.6, Nghe An Province
·         Criminal Charge(s): Spreading propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (§88 VCC)
·         Details: Nguyen Van Hai, also known as Nguyen Hoang Hai, better known by his pen name Dieu Cay, is a Vietnamese blogger who has been prosecuted by the government of Vietnam for tax evasion and "disseminating anti-state information and materials". His imprisonment was protested by several international human rights organizations, and Amnesty International considers him a prisoner of conscience.
·         Compelling Reason for Release: Imprisoned in solitary confinement.

15. Nguyen Van Lia                                                            
·         DOB: 1940
·         Years Sentenced: 4.5 years imprisonment
·         Location: Xuan Loc Prison, Binh Duong Province (K2)
·         Criminal Charge(s): Abusing democratic freedoms (§258 VCC)
·         Details: Nguyen Van Lia is a longtime adherent of Hoa Hao Buddhism, a religious group often suppressed by the government, and the co-author of several Hoa Hao Buddhist religious instruction texts and books. He was charged with violating Article 258 of the penal code for “abusing democratic freedoms to infringe upon the interests of the state,” a vague crime that could result in a sentence of up to seven years.
·         Compelling Reason for Release: Suffers from old age; high blood pressure and does not have access to medication. His family is not permitted to send medication.

16. Nguyen Van Ly                                                 
·         DOB: 1946
·         Years Sentenced: 8 years imprisonment; 5 years house-arrest
·         Location: Nam Ha Prison, Ha Nam Province
·         Criminal Charge(s): Spreading propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (§88 VCC)
·         Details: Father Thadeus Nguyen Van Ly  is a Vietnamese Roman Catholic priest and dissident involved in many pro-democracy movements for which he was imprisoned for a total of almost 15 years. For his ongoing imprisonment and continuous non-violent protest, Amnesty International adopted Father Lý in December 1983 as a prisoner of conscience. Most recently, his support for the Bloc 8406 manifesto has led to his sentence on 30 March 2007, for an additional eight years in prison.

17. Nguyen Van Minh                                                        
·         DOB: 1980
·         Years Sentenced: Pending
·         Location: Lap Vo Detention Center, Dong Thap Prison
·         Criminal Charge(s): Resisting persons in the performance of their official duties. (§275 VCC).
·         Details: Nguyen Van Minh is a religious worker of the Hoa Hao Buddhist Church - Original Branch. He was arrested along with Bui Thi Minh Hang on their way to visit Nguyen Bac Truyen. 

18. Pham Minh Vu                                      
·         DOB: 1980
·         Years Sentenced: Pending
·         Location: Dong Nai Prison
·         Criminal Charge(s): Causing public disorder (§ 245 VCC)
·         Details: Pham Minh Vu is a member of the Brotherhood for Democracy. He has been accused of provoking a violent riot in a Dong Nai Province's industrial park in May 2014 along with Le Thi Phuong Anh and Do Nam Trung.

19. Pham Viet Dao                                      
·         DOB: 1951    
·         Years Sentenced: 15 months imprisonment
·         Location: Hanoi
·         Criminal Charge(s): Abusing democratic freedoms (§258 VCC)
·         Details: Pham Viet Dao is a former Vietnamese Communist Party member and government official. He was convicted under Article 258 of Vietnam’s penal code for allegedly “abusing democratic freedoms to infringe on the interests of the State.”

20. Phan Van Thu                                                   
·         DOB: 1948
·         Years Sentenced: Life imprisonment
·         Location: Unknown
·         Criminal Charge(s): Conducting activities to overthrow the people's government (§79 VCC)
·         Details: Phan Van Thu was arrested on 05 February 2012 in Phu Yen Province. He was allegedly the leader of Public Law Council of Bia Son, which the Vietnamese police newspaper has accused of “conducting activities to overthrow the people's government.”

21. Ta Phong Tan                                                    
·         DOB: 1968
·         Years Sentenced: 10 years imprisonment; 5 years house-arrest
·         Location: Yen Dinh Prison, Thanh Hoa Province
·         Criminal Charge(s): Spreading propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (§88 VCC)
·         Details: Ta Phong Tan is a Vietnamese dissident blogger, a former policewoman and member of the Communist Party of Vietnam. She was arrested in September 2011 under anti-state propaganda charges for her blog posts alleging government corruption.
·         Compelling Reason for Release: Under psychological pressure because of civil disobedience within prison.

22. Tran Huynh Duy Thuc                                                              
·         DOB: 1965
·         Years Sentenced: 16 years imprisonment; 5 years house-arrest
·         Location: Xuyen Moc Prinson, Dong Nai Province
·         Criminal Charge(s): Conducting activities to overthrow the people's government (§79 VCC)
·         Details: According to the indictment, along with Nguyen Tien Trung, Le Cong Dinh and Le Thang Long, Tran Huynh Duy Thuc had sought to build a multiparty system and written 53 articles, amongst them "The Vietnam’s Roadmap", and posted them on the internet. Thuc was director general of the OCI telecommunication company. Initially at his arrest on 24 May 2009, he had been accused of “theft of telecom fees”. Later the charge was turned to “spreading propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” (§88 VCC) and finally to subversive activities (§79 VCC). He was tried on 20 January 2010 in Ho Chi Minh City. His sentence was upheld at the appellate trial on 11 May 2010.
·         Compelling Reason for Release: Was forced into solitary confinement as a disciplinary punishment.

23. Tran Vu Anh Binh                                             
·         DOB: 1974    
·         Years Sentenced: 6 years imprisonment; 2 years house-arrest
·         Location: An Phuoc Prison, Binh Duong Province
·         Criminal Charge(s): Tran Vu Anh Binh is a Catholic songwriter and member of the Patriotic Youth Group (PYG) who participated in anti-China demonstrations in Ho Chi Minh City. Along with 4 members of PYG, he was arrested on 19 September 2011 in HCM City.

24. Truong Duy Nhat                                  
·         DOB: 1964
·         Years Sentenced: 2 years imprisonment     
·         Location: Hoa Son Prison, Da Nang
·         Criminal Charge(s): Abusing democratic freedoms (§258 VCC)
·         Details: Truong Duy Nhat was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for allegedly "abusing the rights of freedom" in writing his blog "Another Point of View". The charges were based on 12 specific entries on his blog in which he criticized the performances of top government and Party officials, including the General Secretary and the Prime Minister.

25. Vo Minh Tri (Viet Khang)                                                         
·         DOB: 1978
·         Years Sentenced: 4 years imprisonment; 2 years house-arrest
·         Location: Xuan Loc Prison, Binh Duong Province (K2)
·         Criminal Charge(s): Spreading propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (§88 VCC)
·         Details: Vo Minh Tri has composed 2 patriotic songs: “Who are you?” and “Where is my Vietnam?”. He personally performed them and posted them on the internet to support anti-China demonstrations in Vietnam. He was arrested on 23 December 2011 in HCM City.
Total years of imprisonment: 121.25
Total years of house-arrest: 32
Total cases of life imprisonment: 1
Total cases still pending: 8
