Montag, 22. April 2013

Vietnam: Christian leader dies in prison

Vietnam: Christian leader dies in prison

12.04.2013 (CWN)  Hoang Van Ngai, an elder of the Evangelical Church of Vietnam, has died in prison in Dak Nong Province, which is located in the southern part of the Communist nation.
While police claim that Ngai committed suicide, Ngai’s brother, who was imprisoned in an adjacent cell, heard him being beaten by prison authorities on the night of his death. In addition, “over 300 witnesses saw Ngai’s body with bruises, deep cuts and broken skull,” the Fides news agency reported. 

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Vietnam: Church leader beaten to death

29.03.2013 (Christian Today) - A Hmong church leader in Vietnam has been beaten to death in police custody, area sources said.
According to a story by Morning Star News, police beat Vam Ngaij Vaj around his neck and shoulders and probably electrically shocked him, resulting in his death on March 17. That's according to a church leader who spoke with those who viewed the battered corpse.
"They think he could have been electrocuted as well as beaten," said a Hmong Christian leader in Vietnam.
Morning Star News said Vaj, of Cu Jut District, Dak Nong Province in Vietnam's Central Highlands, and his wife were clearing brush from their field in nearby Dak Ha Commune of Dak Glong District when they were arrested for "illegally destroying the forest" on March 16. 

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