Mittwoch, 10. April 2013

PEN International

Vietnam: Sorge um Gesundheit des inhaftierten Journalisten Nguyen Huu Cau

Veröffentlicht am  von Writers in Prison

writers in prison (bitte klicken)

RAN 14/2013 - 28. März 2013

Der internationale PEN ist ernsthaft besorgt um das Wohlergehen des Schriftstellers und Aktivisten Nguyen Huu Cau, der schwer krank ist und dem jede adäquate medizinische Hilfe verwehrt wird. Wegen seiner kritischen Texte verbüßt Nguyen Huu Cau eine lebenslange Haftstrafe in einem Gefangenenlager. Der internationale PEN protestiert gegen die Inhaftierung und verlangt seine unmittelbare und bedingungungslose Freilassung aus humanitären Gründen und unter Berufung auf Artikel 19 des Internationalen Pakts für bürgerliche und politische Rechte, zu dessen Unterzeichnern Vietnam gehört.

Bitte senden Sie Protestbriefe:
  • Drücken Sie Ihre tiefe Besorgnis bezüglich des Gesundheitszustands des inhaftierten Schriftstellers und Aktivisten Nguyen Huu Cau aus und drängen Sie darauf, dass ihm voller Zugang zu jeder notwendigen medizinischen Hilfe gewehrt wird.
  • Fordern Sie seine unverzügliche und bedingungslose Freilassung  aus humanitären      Gründen unter Berufung auf Artikel 19 des Internationalen Pakts für bürgerliche und politische Rechte, zu dessen Unterzeichnern Vietnam gehört.
Schreiben Sie an: 
I.E. die Botschafterin von Vietnam
Frau Dr. Nguyen Thi Hoang Anh
Botschaft der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam
Elsenstraße 3
12435 Berlin-Treptow

Original text


VIETNAM: Fears for the health of imprisoned writer and activist Nguyen Huu Cau

Posted on 28.03.2013 by Writers in Prison
RAN 14/13 - 28 March 2013
PEN International is seriously concerned for the health of writer and activist Nguyen Huu Cau, who is seriously ill and denied adequate medical care in the prison camp where he is serving a life-time sentence for his critical writings. PEN International protests his imprisonment, and demands his immediate and unconditional release on humanitarian grounds and in accordance with Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) to which Vietnam is a signatory.

According to PEN’s information, Nguyen Huu Cau, 67, is a poet, songwriter, human rights defender and anti-corruption activist. He was arrested by public security police on 9 October 1982 for having authored an ‘incriminating’ manuscript of songs and poems. Nguyen Huu Cau had reportedly noted allegations of rape and bribery committed by the two high level officers on the back of the pages of the original manuscript.

Nguyen Huu Cau was accused of committing ‘destructive acts’ that were supposedly ‘damaging’ to the government’s image and on 23 May 1983, he was sentenced to death. His mother submitted an appeal on his behalf and a year later, on 24 May 1985, the Court of Appeals commuted his capital sentence into life imprisonment. The manuscript was reportedly not used as evidence in the trial against him, in order to protect the two officers concerned.
In the many years since, Nguyen Huu Cau has reportedly been held in harsh solitary confinement. He has apparently now lost most of his vision and is almost completely deaf. Nguyen Huu Cau suffers from a serious heart condition, which is worsening because of the lack of adequate medical attention and the deplorable prison conditions. He was recently reported to be in very poor health, according to his daughter returning from an authorized periodical visit to the camp deep in the jungle. Concerns for his well-being are acute. Nguyen Huu Cau is being held at forced labour camp K2 Z30A Xuan Loc, Dong Nai province, Vietnam.
Samples of Nguyen Huu Cau’s poems and songs are attached, translated from the Vietnamese by Nguyen Hoang Bao Viet of Suisse Romande PEN.

Please send appeals:
  • Expressing serious concern for the health of imprisoned writer and activist Nguyen Huu Cau and urging that he is given full access to all necessary medical care as a matter of urgency;
  • Calling for his immediate and unconditional      release on humanitarian grounds and in accordance with Article 19 of the ICCPR to which Vietnam is signatory.
Appeals to be sent to:

His Excellency Truong Tan Sang
President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
C/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Nguyên Tân Dung
Prime Minister
1 Hoang Hoa Tham Street
Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Please note that there are no fax numbers available for the Vietnamese authorities, so you may wish to ask the diplomatic representative for Vietnam in your country to forward your appeals. It would also be advantageous to ask your country’s diplomatic representatives in Vietnam to intervene in the case.
For some Vietnamese embassies in the world:…

***Please send appeals immediately. Check with PEN International if sending appeals after 30 April 2013.***

Tiếng Việt 

VIET NAM: Lo ngại cho tình trạng sức khỏe của Nguyễn Hữu Cầu

Tổ chức văn bút quốc tế PEN rất lo ngại cho sức khỏe của nhà văn và nhà hành động Nguyễn Hữu Cầu đang bị bệnh nặng và không được phép điều trị. Vì viết nhửng bài văn có tính cách phê bình Nguyễn Hữu Cầu bị án tù chung thân. Dựa theo điều 19 Công ước Quốc tế về các Quyền Dân sự và Chính trị mà chính Viet Nam cũng ký, tổ chức văn bút quốc tế PEN phản kháng việc ông  bị cầm tù và đòi hỏi phải trả tự do lập tức và vô điều kiện cho Nguyễn Hữu Cầu.

Xin quý bạn hãy viết thư phản đối
  • Quý bạn hãy bày tỏ mối lo ngại cho sức khỏe của nhà văn và nhà hành động Nguyen Hữu Cầu đang bị cầm tù và đòi hỏi ông phải được điều trị ngay
  • Vì lý do nhân đạo và dựa theo điều 19 Công ước Quốc tế về các Quyền Dân sự và Chính trị mà chính Viet Nam cũng ký, quý bạn hãy yêu cầu đòi hỏi phải trả tự do lập tức và vô điều kiện cho ông Nguyễn Hữu Cầu
Xin quý bạn viết thư cho
I.E. die Botschafterin von Vietnam

Frau Dr. Nguyen Thi Hoang Anh
Botschaft der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam
Elsenstraße 3
12435 Berlin-Treptow

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